Sunday, November 13, 2011

Grammar Mistakes

Here are a few grammar mistakes I found online in public places. Like we discussed in class, it is amazing how often and how many grammar mistakes you can find in public! Enjoy :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

~ Quotes ~

I had a really hard time deciding what to write this week’s blog post about. My first thought was to try and self-explore what I wanted to write my second paper on for this class and hoped to gather suggestions from my peers. After about two minutes I scratched that idea. Not only did I think it would make for a boring post, something else caught my attention. Yes, I was procrastinating and while on Facebook I read my old English teacher’s Facebook status: “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”   I looked up this quote and found that it was said by Nathaniel Hawthorne. On this website, there were several other inspirational quotes about teaching writing and being a write that I found worthy to share for this week’s blog entry.

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.”  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
This quote parallels to my thought process while I read and write. Whenever I read a piece of writing that sounds effortless, I often wonder how much time and effort was actually put into making it seem so flawless. What I find with my own writing is that whenever I have a finished product that I am proud of, I always wish that it could have happened a lot effortlessly.

“I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter.”  ~James Michener
I found this quote to be very interesting and also encouraging for beginning writers. This quote will set the foundation of my writing classroom. I think it is very important for writers of any level to acknowledge that writing is a process. First drafts are never what we intend to be the finished product, however, it is a very important aspect of the writing process. Revision is something that demonstrates who great writers really are.

“Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning:  I wanted to know what I was going to say.”  ~Sharon O'Brien
I love how this quote associates writing with a process of discovery. Often I find that what I think I am going to write about is lost or dramatically changed by the time I get to my final draft. It is amazing how writing can be used to free the mind and often times our papers, essays and literary works seem to have written without having an exact plan throughout the entire writing process.

Hope you enjoyed these quotes!!! J